11 Ways to Get Your Child Interested in Engineering

Last updated February 2023

Engineering is a field that combines creativity and critical thinking to solve problems and improve the world around us. If you have a child who is curious and likes to build things, then they may be interested in engineering. However, for some children, engineering may seem too complex or boring. Here are some tips to help you get your child interested in engineering.

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1. Start with Simple Engineering Projects

Simple engineering projects, such as building a bridge or a tower out of blocks, can introduce your child to the basics of engineering and show them that it can be fun. These projects can also help your child develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

2. Encourage Hands-On Learning

Engineering is a hands-on field, and the best way to learn is through doing. Encourage your child to build things, take things apart, and experiment with different materials. This will help them develop their engineering skills and give them a deeper understanding of how things work.

3. Make It Relevant

Explain how engineering affects their daily life, for example, how their bike was designed and built, or how the bridges and buildings they see around them were constructed. By making engineering relevant to their life, you can spark their interest and curiosity.

4. Introduce Them To Female Engineers

Studies have shown that girls and women are underrepresented in engineering. However, there are many successful and inspiring female engineers out there. Introduce your child to female engineers and show them that engineering is a field for everyone, regardless of gender.

5. Encourage Them To Participate in Engineering Competitions

There are many engineering competitions that are aimed at children and teenagers. Encouraging your child to participate in these competitions can give them a sense of purpose and help them develop their engineering skills. Plus, they can learn to work in a team environment!

6. Make It Fun!

Engineering can be a lot of fun, but it’s important to make it enjoyable for your child. Encourage them to be creative, and don’t be too strict about following instructions. Let them experiment and have fun with their projects.

7. Expose Them at an Early Age

It’s easier for children to pick up new things at a young age, so exposing them to engineering early can be beneficial. You can start by introducing them to basic concepts, such as how machines work, how bridges are built, and how electricity flows. You can also take them on field trips to factories, engineering museums, and other places where they can see engineering in action.

8. Show Them How Engineering Makes a Difference

Explain to your child how engineering can have a positive impact on the world and make a difference in people’s lives. For example, you can show them how engineers have developed new technologies to help people with disabilities, how they have designed more sustainable buildings, and how they have created new products that make our lives easier.

9. Watch Engineering Videos and Shows Together

There are many engineering-related videos and shows on the internet and on television that can be both educational and entertaining. Watching these together with your child can help spark their interest and provide them with a deeper understanding of how things work. My personal favorites are How It’s Made and Modern Marvels.

10. Play Engineering-Themed Games

There are many educational games and toys that are designed to teach children about engineering. These can be a fun and engaging way to introduce your child to engineering and help them develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

11. Encourage Them to Read Books or Magazines on Engineering

There are many books on engineering, both fiction and non-fiction, that can be both educational and entertaining. Encourage your child to read these books and explore their interests in engineering.

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Getting a child interested in engineering can be a fun and rewarding experience. By encouraging hands-on learning, making it relevant to their life, introducing them to female engineers, participating in engineering competitions and making it fun, you can help your child develop a love for engineering and set them on a path towards a successful career in the field.

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